domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Blogs in the classroom

 Blogs in the classroom

We can use blogs from different situations of teaching and learning, among which are cited as follows:

1. Blog of classroom, field or subject:

It is perhaps the most commonly used in the field of education. Sometimes nothing personal faculty page, but it can also be a complement to face-to-face classes, with additional information and proposals for comlementarias activities, developed using resources that provide blogs: proposition of links, Hypertext writing, multimedia support, comments, etc. This can extend the classroom context of the classroom, and serve to enable students to work in xcasa, in the library, telecentre, etc.

2. Personal Blog of students:

By way of individual journal, about their interests and concerns, hobbies, activities,..., etc. Elective by students, caring attitudes of respect (Netiquette) and citing the resources used. And also participate in compañerosas blogs, commenting on articles and making contributions, proposals, etc.

3. Multimedia creative workshop.

Individual or collective, free, or suggested arguments with the possibility of including all kinds of references, in the form of texts (literary workshop), audio (radio, auditions), video (TV), or links to other sites. Supports any topic: reality, fiction, short stories, articles,..., and the use of multiple media formats.

4. Manage group projects.

As a collective blog, either to faculty, students, or work of collaboration between the two, where the teacher or teachers of different subjects or centers advise the group in carrying out research work. Here the blog is revealed as an excellent Journal of work, that keeps track of the process and progress of the project, and once more, transcends the ordinary classroom space.

5. Multimedia electronic publishing.

School newspaper, digital magazine, monographs on various subjects,.., etc. Here we aprovecharíamos the power of blogs in terms of management of archives multimedia, own or referenced from stores of content (Flickr, Odeo, YouTube...). We have already emphasized ease of administration with the tools of creation of blogs, which allow to get great results with only knowing how to write in a text editor. The multimedia potential is joined by the possibilities of participation, which enrich the content with contributions and comments from other usuariosas; syndication through RSS, podcasts, etc.

6. Navigation Guide.

Where discussed sites of interest, news and contributions in the form of criticism or comment them. It is the metaphor of notebook blog or travel notebook: a space where are recorded incidences and details of navigation; in this case discussed by own navigators, who advise, propose and present his fellow websites you have visited and your personal opinion.

Let's Play (Sessions 5 & 6)

 Let's play! (Sessions 5 and 6)

Over the next two days we will devote to play around with the animals.
So, at the same time we learn things about animals and nature can learn to use new technologies slowly.

We will use some activities with the whiteboard, others with JClic as:

and others from the internet such as:

Keep playing